Friday, June 26, 2009

rvc for my lovely hubby

this is just for my hubby.....

happy birthday sweetheart...

n he brings this cake to his office

and this is for our family....

rvc for niesha

for heni's wedding

i dedicated this for my best friend on her wedding occasion

chesse cake for ratih

special ordered by ratih...for her mom's birthday

vanilla cake with cream cheese n covered cheese

Thursday, June 11, 2009

agra bday cake

buat agra yang mau ultah ke 5, maminya minta dibuatkan cake n 60 cupcakes
untuk dikasih ke temen temennya Agra.
rikues nya Agra pengen ada power rangers yang warna merah pas banget ama
bajunya agra yang merah...tandanya pantang menyerah ya......

bdck nya dibuat dari vanila cake dengan filling bluberry mouse karena
Agra ga suka ama yang coklat-coklat....mmmmm yummy banget loh
tapi untuk cupcakesnya di combine coklat n vanila

met ultah ya Agra, moga jadi anak yang shaleh dan pinter....
bentar lagi mo punya adek ya...

selesai acara ultah, ada sms dari maminya Agra....
"cakenya maknyus....makasih ya..."

makasih juga mbak, semoga berkenan

Saturday, June 6, 2009


red velvet cake

purple cupcakes

sushi ala sweet brownie kitchen

Align Right

american risoles

cupcake for Raja

chesse cake for fitri

ooooh my god, i miss my blog....long time no upload any articles in my blog...
i'm realy sorry bout's because i am so busy in the office.
here is the new cake covered with chesse .
fitri asked me to make a birthday cake for her mother in law